Health Wonk Review for March 9, 2017
The latest edition of Health Wonk Review is posted over at Health System Ed. Thanks to host Peggy Salvatore for dubbing it the May You Live in Interesting Times Edition and in so doing, giving us the perfect opportunity to share some amazing art from caricature ace DonkeyHotey.
This edition is loaded with a dozen-ish great posts that … you know … illustrate the interesting times we live in. What could be more interesting right now, for instance, than what the Republicans cobbled together as a replacement for the Affordable Care Act? And also, we thought it would be fairly interesting to explain what the Republicans mean when they describe their plans with words and phrases like “patient-centered”, “access to care”, “freedom” and “choice.”
Anyway, it’s a fun collection of posts from a really swell collection of blogs. So grab a cup of java and drink it in. (The edition and the coffee.)
Next up: The March 23 edition of HWR, hosted by Louise Norris at Colorado Health Insurance Insider. Until then …
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