Men Tried Contouring For The First Time And They Looked Fierce AF

by - 4:00:00 AM

“It kinda looks like poop on a face. But I mean, if it makes me pretty…”

We asked some guys who had never tried contouring before to get their faces did and the results were surprisingly perfect. / Via

All of the guys were down, but they didn't have any experience with contouring.

All of the guys were down, but they didn't have any experience with contouring.

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Ryan guessed at the definition of "contouring" and wasn't totally wrong, TBH.

Ryan guessed at the definition of "contouring" and wasn't totally wrong, TBH.

"And then you blend the shit out of your face until you're not anymore."

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Lili Kaytmaz, our fabulous makeup artist, explained, "Contouring is about lights and shadows. Where the sun would hit the most (high cheekbones, forehead), you're gonna make lighter, and under your cheekbones and chin you're gonna make darker."

Lili Kaytmaz, our fabulous makeup artist, explained, "Contouring is about lights and shadows. Where the sun would hit the most (high cheekbones, forehead), you're gonna make lighter, and under your cheekbones and chin you're gonna make darker."

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