8 Unexpected Ways Laughter is the Cure to a Bad Day
A rut. A slump. A funk. Some days go from bad to worse and it feels like there’s no way to climb out of it. I’ve noticed if I can get one or more of my kids to laugh, we can break the ice and get back in our groove. I am more of a serious person and “easy breezy fun parent” doesn’t come naturally. Here are a few ways I’m trying to be a little less Elsa and a little more Anna.
8 Ways to Get Your Kids (and yourself) To Laugh off a Bad Mood
1. Magic Tricks: My first attempt was pulling a carrot out of an irritable daughter’s ear. It was surprisingly effective. Emphasis on “surprise”, which is the key to getting kids to laugh. I’ll have to change up my tricks if I want that one to work again.
2. Food Faces: When my kids packed their lunches one morning they discovered this surprise on the veggie tray. Excellent morning mood enhancement.
3. The Kid Sandwich: This is an old trick my parents used on my ornery little sister. Two parents stand on each side of the child and squeeze. (With only one parent you might have to go with an open-faced sandwich.)
4. Wacky Rewards: I asked my daughter’s best friend how her parents make her laugh. She told me when she’s grumpy her dad tells her, “You’ve just earned 5 minutes of uninterrupted eye contact!” Then he stares at her intently until she cracks a smile.
5. Rhyme Time: Even I can elicit a laugh out of my kids if I turn my requests into rhymes. My kids have a love/hate relationship with my little ditties, especially if I perform them in front of their friends. If I’m in a good mood, (or desperate!) I’ll turn it into a rap, yo, complete with beat boxing. “Go clean your room. It looks like a tomb. You’d better zoom or I’ll hand you a broom.” It doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to get their attention and make them smile.
6. Creative Contests: Laughing Contest. Staring Contest. Balancing, acting, dancing….It doesn’t matter what kind of contest…. it breaks up the day and helps decide once and for all who can do the best Mickey Mouse impersonation.
7. The Wooden Spoon: When I’m faced with a room full of wild children I somehow need to corral into bed I always turn to my trusty wooden spoon. As soon as I pick it up they all go running down the hallway, laughing all the way. My kids think it’s hilarious but if your children are scared, you might try a less violent-looking utensil , such as a whisk. (Warning: My daughter saw this picture in my Facebook feed and told me I need to buy her a shirt just like this. This may come back to haunt me when all the Wooden Spoon Survivors unite.) ***Natalie you can use this pic or use a stock photo of the Wooden Spoon Survivor Shirt. Either way! Phil gave me permission to use this but it’s not that great of quality***
8. Sideways Stories: Stories from my childhood, my husband’s childhood,especially the times we got in trouble as kids, are all excellent material to get my kids chuckling. When I can’t think of a single story I pull out the old standby, “Sideways Stories from Wayside School” or any of its sequels to read as a bedtime story.
Why laughter works: It’s been scientifically proven that “laughter is the best medicine”. Laughter lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormone levels, improves heart health, boosts the immune system, and promotes a general sense of well-being, not to mention being an awesome ab workout. It is worth going a little out of my comfort zone to boost endorphins and get my kids giggling.
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Keywords: Super Healthy Kids, Health/Wellness