Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps

by - 4:13:00 PM you’re bored with the same old sandwich routine, wraps are a fun way to switch things up. There are so many delicious options you can add to tortillas to make kid-friendly wraps.  What I really love about wraps is that they provide a perfect vehicle for a complete healthy meal.

One key to making great kid-friendly wraps is to use familiar foods and flavors you know your children love and branch out from there. All of the wraps I’m sharing today are adaptable to individual taste buds.

Also keep in mind that kids like simple. What may sound boring to an adult sounds like perfection to a child. Many kids are also turned off by messy food, so make sure the fillings are minimal enough that the tortilla can be wrapped tightly and the insides won’t fall out.

Enough jabber–let’s look at ten wraps that will help your kids eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in fun ways!

Top 10 Kid-Friendly Wraps

1. Crispy Veggie and Cream Cheese Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

Spread some cream cheese and add your child’s favorite crispy vegetables. Shown here are red peppers, baby spinach, carrots, and cucumber. If you have fresh dill on hand, try these Rainbow Wraps and Chives also!Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

2. Apple and Cheddar Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

Shredded apple + shredded cheddar=delicious goodness! Put the whole thing under the broiler for a minute to melt the cheese before you wrap it up.

3. Beans and Rice Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

Start by adding guacamole, which acts as the “glue” in this wrap. Then add some cooked rice, black beans, and top with a little shredded cheese. Alternatively, leave off the cheese for a vegan wrap.

4. Strawberry and Almond Butter Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

I could probably eat this wrap for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I know these are kid-friendly wraps, but clearly they are for adults, too. This one is as simple as spread the tortilla with almond butter, add some cut strawberries, and you’re done. I told you kids like simple, right?

5. The Chicken Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

This wrap is perfect for when you have leftover chicken. Start by spreading some cream cheese (usually a kid favorite), top with some cubed chicken, matchstick carrots, and shredded cheese. Remember, don’t overstuff it!

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

6. The Avocado Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

I have one avocado-loving kid and one avocado-hating kid. If you have an avocado lover, please try this wrap! You just have to trust me. It’s simply mashed avocado with a sprinkling of nutritional yeast. If you aren’t familiar, nutritional yeast is a deactivated yeast that comes in the form of yellow flakes. It is a good source of B vitamins and is used by vegans and vegetarians a lot as a flavoring. It lends a somewhat cheesy flavor to what you add it to, and it just works well with mashed avocado. This is actually my daughter’s favorite sandwich, behind the peanut putter and jelly, and it works well as a wrap, too.

7. The Egg Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

I serve eggs for lunch more often than breakfast. So much so that one day I tried to serve my son eggs for breakfast and he said, “What?! Eggs are for lunch!” This wrap can be for any meal, not just breakfast. I saute some onion and red pepper (use your child’s favorite vegetables), then scramble an egg with it and finish it with a small amount of cheese.

8. Sweet Fruit Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

This was the wrap I used to convince my daughter she likes wraps. I whisked together cream cheese with a touch of pineapple juice and honey and spread it on the tortilla. Top with your choice of fruits, like raspberries, blueberries, and pineapple. It’s a healthy dessert wrap!Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

9. Hummus and Cucumber Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

Just like my kids are split on avocados, they are also split on hummus. One loves it, one won’t eat it. This one is for the hummus lovers. It works perfectly with crispy cucumbers cut length wise.

10. Banana, Peanut Butter, and Honey Wrap

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!

Oh yeah. You can’t go wrong with this combination.  Try not to love it. I dare you.

I hope you have found some inspiration for incorporating healthy wraps into your kids’ diets!

Maryea is the mama behind the healthy lifestyle blog, Happy Healthy Mama, where she shares simple, real food recipes and inspiration for raising healthy kids in a natural home. You can follow her by signing up for her newsletter here and check out all of her kid-friendly healthy recipes here. 

Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps. Great ideas to get out of the sandwich rut!




The post Top 10 Kid-friendly Wraps appeared first on Super Healthy Kids.

Keywords: Super Healthy Kids, Health/Wellness

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