Akshay Kumar’s Padman in trouble? Twinkle Khanna laughs it off

by - 12:22:00 PM

Akshay Kumar's Padman in trouble Twinkle Khanna laughs it off

Weird are some of the insinuations that tend to make the rounds of industry circles by means of humorless gossips and baseless speculations. One such loose talk that took place very recently was about Akshay Kumar’s Padman getting into ‘financial troubles’. It was stated that the film is going ‘over-budget’ due to which author and producer Twinkle Khanna is now in ‘debt’. Further to that it was also said that due to these money matters, there was trouble in paradise for Twinkle and her production team due to which they were not even seeing ‘eye to eye’.

“And just when one thought that Padman was going through a smooth hassle free shoot, such kind of marginal irritants come out of nowhere to spoil the party,” says an insider from the film’s production unit, “Financial troubles? Really? And that too for a family which is one of the highest tax payees from the industry? Do you think that such kind of a conversation even warrants a debate when the makers are one of the richest celebrity couples in town?”

Akshay Kumar is known amongst one and all for his financial acumen and is one superstar actor-producer who is known to ensure that everyone in the supply chain of the filmmaking earns good money. Now that his wife Twinkle Khanna has taken upon the mantle to make Padman, it is a given that there are good tips already been exchanged. Moreover, the lady herself has been born and brought up in showbiz; she understands the intricacies of how it all operates.

“Most importantly, she has a mind of her own,” our source adds, “She knows what call to take and when and with whom. She has been running the show for Padman with clockwork precision and everything is as per plan, within budget and as per timelines.”

No wonder, the moment Twinkle realized that something as silly as this is making rounds, she took to social media and stated – “When you write fiction-do go all out-add in your imaginary ‘exclusive’ that I also had to sell my mangalsutra and Padman is based on Putin:)” (sic).

Well, the lady indeed has a sense of humour and she is willing to unleash it on her detractors who are just not being allowed to have a field day.

The post Akshay Kumar’s Padman in trouble? Twinkle Khanna laughs it off appeared first on Bollywood Hungama.

Keywords: News, Bollywood

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