Noor has taken a very low start at the Box Office. One expected the film to open around the Rs. 3 crore mark even in an average scenario. However, the collections have been half of that, what with just Rs. 1.54 crore coming in. Yes, the genre does have its limitations as there hasn’t been precedence per se for a female centric romantic-comedy-drama to see much of a footfall from Day One itself. Still, since there was no competition from past or present for the film with Begum Jaan rushing through its run and the other release Maatr not really being a threat, one expected somewhat better numbers.
The reviews for the film have been mixed too which means all would boil down to the word of mouth which needs to gather steam today itself. IPL continues to be a major draw and an alternate source of entertainment due to which the Sonakshi Sinha starrer would indeed have to fight its way into the battle over the weekend.
As for Maatr, the film was publicized just about decently and the awareness was limited. The Raveena Tandon starrer too fetched mixed reviews and collections have stayed minimal as well. With just around Rs. 50 lakhs* coming in, the revenge drama has an uphill journey ahead of it to register reasonable numbers before the weekend is through.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
The post Box Office: Noor collects 1.54 crore on Day One appeared first on Bollywood Hungama.
Keywords: News, Bollywood