This Mom Explains Why Scuba Diving Must Be In Your To-Do List With Kids This Summer!

by - 9:43:00 AM

If your family is itching and raring to do something different this year for summer vacations, here’s what you must try! Make it an adventure worth remembering for a lifetime! Here’s how!

Magic under the sea:

Doesn’t it make sense, that we should go looking for the riches of the world are under the sea! Given the fact that 70 percent of our planet earth is water, it only makes sense that we have more geographical elements and physical features under the sea. The flora and fauna also under our oceans are much more diverse than on land. But alas, other than a submarine or videos we see over the Internet our kids will never know. Did you know a child can scuba dive as young as 8 years old and be a professional diver if he/she wishes to at the tender age of 10!

I started diving when I was 12 and have never looked back since then! I have dived in the most sought after dive sites of the world such as Great Barrier Reef, Red Sea, Similan Islands etc and every time I dive I can only marvel more!
Since beach holidays feature high up on our summer holiday listings, I thought why not educate the mums about something they can try out on this holiday itself! I can’t wait for my boy to turn 8 to show him these treasures but for all you mums out there, take the plunge just do a fun one day dive with your pre teen this summer and let them test the waters! However, there are 5 important factors from experience I have gathered to consider before diving:
1. Fly Smart
Your flight out must be at least 18 hours or more from the end of your dive. Ascending to an altitude immediately after diving causes a significant risk of decompression sickness.
2. Eat Smart
Don’t overeat before a dive! Due to the water pressure on you and the new sensations involved it is better to keep your stomach light.
3. Medicate Smart
If there are chances of being sea sick, pop a sea sickness pill. Usually, all diving spots involve a short boat ride. The last thing you want for your child’s first dive experience is to be scarred by sea sickness! Sea sickness pills are mild and cause more help than harm.
4. Equalise Smart
Practice how to equalise on land ( just how you make your ears pop when they ache when you travel on a flight or in an elevator in a high rise) It helps to practice beforehand! There are so many new sensations underwater that you forget basic things such as these.
5. Dive Smart
Don’t touch any aquatic creatures! I know how excited your child will be seeing this new world and it’s easy to fall prey to touching what you see. One thumb rule I devised is ‘the prettier it is, the more likely to be dangerous it is’ ( also goes for aquatic plants!)
The ‘big’ secret!
Do you know the big secret? You don’t even need to know how to swim in order to dive! (I bet no one told you this secret before!) Another secret is that scuba diving works best on a buddy principle, not only for safety but also because diving experiences are to meant to be shared! This makes it a perfect mom and child trip! Even now, if you are not sure how to go about planning a dive trip, I suggest you contact a ‘mom and kids’ trip company and they can curate a special trip for you/your group of mums! What are you waiting for? Ready, Set, Dive!!
Where should you head to?
Easy to get to destinations from India for Scuba Diving are Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia with world class dive sites. Closer home we have Andaman which offers an array of good coral and fish life. Also, remember to check out the medical facilities before you zero in on a diving school.
P.S. Diving is an adventure sport and all necessary risks apply.
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Keywords: Kids Stop Press, Health & Beauty, Lifestyle

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