Having A Baby? These Inspiring TED Talks Is What Every Expecting Mom Should Listen To

by - 9:25:00 AM

Expect Moms- Inspiring TED Talks

Overwhelmed with all the wishes and love you received for Mother’s Day? Wait, there is more! Motherhood is a journey that begins right when you spot those two pink lines and the joy sure can’t be put down to words. You would have read a lot of articles that tell you exactly what to eat, what not to, how to stay fit and how to identify your new born’s poop and decode it!

And there is simply more to the miracle of life! As an extended Mother’s Day gift, KSP gives you this list of TED Talks every pregnant mom must watch in their pregnancy journey. Sit down and relax as you spend the next 45 minutes with these amazing and inspiring talks.

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We are sure you shed a tear looking at the first ultrasound picture of your li’l baby, nestled inside and looking all comfortable! This mind-blowing animated video depicts the internal development of the foetus and gives us a glimpse of the complete -month gestation journey. You know you don’t want to miss it.

By: Alexander Tsiaras
Duration: Under 10 minutes

The second topic on our playlist is something that won a lot of appreciation from the gathering and a topic that most of us just turn a deaf ear to-The sexual behaviour of a pregnant woman. If you are wondering if that topic made any sense or how is that even something to discuss- we strongly recommend you to watch this video.
By: Sofia Jawed-Wessel
Duration: Under 14 minutes

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The third talk we have on our list for you is about what your child learns from inside the womb. If you are the expectant mom, who talks to the foetus, make sure you listen to the right kind if calming and soothing music and believing in exposing yourself (and in turn the foetus) to the right kind of positive environment- you are right! Carry on! This TED Talkreinforces some of the good ol’ things that your grandmother enforced, just in a more scientific way!

By: Annie Murphy Paul
Duration: Under 17 minutes

Image source: HuffingtonPost

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Keywords: Kids Stop Press, Health & Beauty, Lifestyle

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